Difference between 6V/8V/12V

Determining the correct voltage system for your golf cart is crucial to ensure accurate pricing and battery selection. Your golf cart is designed to operate on a specific voltage, which can be 36V, 48V, or 72V. To determine the voltage of your golf cart, follow this easy to read and follow battery guide to determine what voltage batteries your golf cart has. If you're unsure about the voltage or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're passionate about batteries and golf carts and are always here to help answer your questions and provide guidance. Feel free to contact us anytime for expert advice and personalized assistance.

6-Volt Golf Cart Battery:

Three watering holes, catty corner terminal 

Most common 6 batteries set up. Occasionally 8 battery set up 

6-Volt Golf Cart Battery:

   - Voltage: A 6-volt golf cart battery operates at a lower voltage compared to other options. 

   - Power Output: While the voltage is lower, 6-volt batteries typically provide higher amperage (capacity to deliver power over time), which can contribute to better performance.

   - Configuration: Many golf carts use a series configuration, combining multiple 6-volt batteries to achieve the desired total voltage.

   - Durability: 6-volt batteries are known for their durability and ability to handle deep discharge cycles, making them suitable for heavy-duty use.

18-Volt Golf Cart Battery:

  - Voltage: An 8-volt golf cart battery offers a moderate voltage level, providing a balance between power and efficiency.

   - Power Output: With a slightly higher voltage, 8-volt batteries can deliver more power to the golf cart, resulting in improved acceleration and performance.

   - Configuration: Some golf carts are designed specifically for 8-volt batteries, with the necessary compartments and wiring already in place.

   - Runtime: Compared to 6-volt batteries, 8-volt batteries may provide a longer runtime before requiring recharging.

12-Volt Golf Cart Battery:

   - Voltage: A 12-volt golf cart battery operates at a higher voltage, which translates to increased power and speed.

   - Power Output: The higher voltage allows 12-volt batteries to deliver more power and torque, making them suitable for demanding applications and hilly terrains.

   - Configuration: Golf carts designed for 12-volt batteries typically require fewer individual batteries since each battery provides a higher voltage.

   - Compatibility: Some golf carts are specifically designed for 12-volt systems, eliminating the need for additional wiring or modifications.

Choosing the right voltage for your golf cart battery depends on various factors, including the specific make and model of your golf cart, desired performance, and compatibility with existing systems. It is recommended to consult your golf cart manufacturer or a battery specialist to determine the optimal voltage for your golf cart's battery needs.